Coming to terms with death is something that can be difficult for a lot of people. Acknowledging that this phase is inevitable does make a difference. Once we recognize and realize that there is an end to life, we can start cherishing and appreciate the life we have. One of the reasons some people find this topic uncomfortable to discuss is due to the feeling associated with loss. Ending and losing something often brings on grief. Grief can be experienced differently. The intensity of how one feels depends on the relationship they had with this person. Often a feeling associated with losing someone is regret. Regret can be a difficult emotion to carry. We often wonder whether if we could have done something differently. We would probably find ourselves thinking about possible scenarios that could have been and would have avoided this loss. Grief is an emotion no one is spared from and regret can often accompany it. Working this emotion out can be difficult especially when it comes to losing a loved one. One complete way of avoiding regret is to identify and work on steps that will avoid this. Fostering that relationship with those important to us will help us let them know that we care and help us avoid feeling regretful when we lose them. Realizing that death is an integral part of living can be liberating and powerful. Death can be unpredictable. If people know when and why they are dying, this knowledge can be a double-edged sword. Knowing your mortality is a gift and a curse. People who get find this out go through immense emotions. Coming to grips with your mortality and the fear of the unknown afterwards can create a wave of emotion for anyone. Professional end of life doula services can help at this time. What is an end of life doula? When we welcome life, we often employ the help of a doula to guide and support us in welcoming life. We can also employ a doula for guiding us when we exit this life.
Our lives are bookmarked into milestones such as birth, the life we live, and death. It is the life we live where we can make a difference. Easing into death is a process. Lucky and cursed are those who know about their death. They will go through bouts of anxiety for the unknown and not to mention the physical journey one goes through if they suffer from illness. Finding the right hospice care support services and hospice support groups is vital for terminally ill patients, and their families. Emotional support needs to be provided to the person dying but also their loved ones. Loss is a pain that can be intense. Understanding and acknowledging this early on can help with healing and acceptance. An End of Life Doula can be key in helping with the emotional transition. Instead of getting swallowed up by intense emotions, the ability to function through these trying times is important. It is through going through it with greater clarity and acceptance can we love the life we lead.
Death discussions can be a difficult and uncomfortable topic but mostly everyone has gone through it. Getting ahead of your emotions and pending emotions through accepting this fact will make a huge difference in your life and those around you. Getting an end of life doula to ease with the transition to death can help you sift through those emotions and have you work through them while you adapt and adjust to the future reality. This in-between phase is not offered to everyone. Death, as they say, can come like a thief in the night and knowledge of this is power. An End of life doula can help with this phase.
My name is Mary Jo. I am a Personal Development Coach. I have been a widow myself at the age of 43. I have gone through the pain of loss then gone through healing into finding myself. My mission is to help people learn to accept and love themselves eventually allowing them to cherish and love the people around them more. I can help you and your family ease into the transition of dying. It is a difficult phase, but through support and proper guidance, we can work on acceptance, adjusting, and adapting to the situation. My mission is to help people learn and accept themselves. Understanding themselves better to become more fruitful human beings with a purpose. Regardless of the situation, understanding oneself through proper counseling is key to get the right support for the challenge ahead. I have gone through similar experiences. Let me guide you through yours. Let me help you through this phase.