6 Helpful Reminders When Managing Grief

Grief is the primary emotion you feel when you lose someone or something important to you. It’s similar to pain or sorrow, but grief can sometimes feel quite overwhelming. Sometimes it comes as a combination with other emotions, such as anger or guilt. In addition, your grief may feel more intense if the loss is more significant.

Many people associate grief with the death of a loved one or the deterioration of a relationship. However, it must be said that even ‘small’ losses can result in profound grief. Indeed, the feeling can be triggered by the loss of a job, the death of a pet, or even the need to move to a new home and leaving something behind.

That being said, there are many who find it difficult in managing grief. At times, suffering can even affect present relationships, work productivity, and even mental health. To help deal with this complicated emotion in a healthier manner, we have compiled the following tips:

Talk to Someone

When going through difficult times, you would do well to remember author T.A. Webb’s quote: “A burden shared is a burden halved.” You don’t have to suffer through your grief alone. Lean on the people you trust and who care about you. Don’t push your friends and loved ones away, but rather draw them closer.

You may also want to consider letting people know the kind of help you want to receive. Most of the time, people have good intention, but their kind of assistance isn’t what you need at the moment. Let them know what you want or need, whether someone who can listen or someone who can offer advice.

Talking to a Grief Coach can also help. They can provide you with insights that aren’t coloured by biases. With a new perspective on your grief, you may be able to cope better and accept your loss in healthier ways. A life coach can walk with you on your moving-on journey, teach you acceptance, and help you to see things in a whole new light.

Remember That the Grief you feel will not go on Forever

When you’re grieving, it can certainly feel like it will go on forever. However, the thing about grief is that it’s a temporary thing. It pays to remember an old Persian adage “gam zeh ya’avor” or “this, too, shall pass.” Everything in life comes and goes, and this includes emotions such as grief.

Don’t Feel Disheartened If You Feel the Grief over again

Even though your grief will eventually abate, there will come a time when you will definitely feel a resurgence of your grief. Think of it as a cycle or a tide. There will be moments when you will feel fine and there will be moments when you will feel grief again.

Don’t think less of yourself when you relapse. This is simply how grief works. In addition, going through a relapse of grief is actually a sign that you are becoming better. As time goes by, you’ll notice that there will be longer and longer periods before you return to that feeling of grief again. It is the natural process of healing over time and recognizing the onset of your feelings of grief, allows you to develop your own way of managing it.

Don’t Suppress Your Feelings

One of the best ways in managing grief is to accept that you are, indeed, grieving. Don’t suppress your feelings or try to avoid it by pretending that you’re fine. Indeed, denying your grief will only make it more difficult for you to move on. It will also take longer for you to feel better.

Bottling up your feelings can also lead to more serious complications. This can include things such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.

Take Care of Your Physical Health.

Grief can take a heavy toll not just on your mental well-being but on your physical health as well. As such, don’t forget to take care of your body even as you deal with your feelings. Get a lot of sleep, eat healthy foods, and avoid alcohol and sugary snacks as much as possible. Find some time to exercise, too. Physical activity can release endorphins, which can help put you in a better mood.

Remember that your mind and your body are connected. The better you take care of your body; the better your mental and emotional states will be.

Express Your Feelings in a Tangible Way

Sometimes, it’s easier for people to express their feelings when they can channel it into something tangible. Try expressing your grief by writing it down in a journal or making a scrapbook. You can even try writing letters to yourself or the person you have lost and told them of your feelings. If you can, get involved in a cause or charitable organization that means a lot to you or the person you loved.

In addition, don’t let grief stop you from continuing with your work, and your interests and hobbies. These activities can help you cope in much healthier ways and can even bring you comfort. If these activities are something you can do with someone else, then all the better.

Remember that grief, like other emotions, is normal. It can happen to anybody and usually to everybody at some point in their lives. Let yourself feel it and remember these tips to help you in managing your grief.




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6 Helpful Reminders When Managing Grief