The feeling of being in limbo is something that a lot of people experience. It can happen any time we’re faced with a situation that doesn’t resolve itself quickly, such as when you’re waiting on a potential new job or transitioning into a new role at work. It could happen during a major life event, like when you’re leaving home and moving into your own place for the first time. You may even feel like you are in limbo when you’re in a relationship that feels unstable or stagnant.
Whatever the cause, this sensation of being unable to move backward nor forward is patently uncomfortable. Even though the state of limbo is only a temporary one, it still feels quite unnatural. Being in the thick of it can cause you to feel anxiety, worry, and frustration.
Though there’s not much that can be done when you’re waiting for life to go on, there are plenty of things you can do to alleviate the discomfort of being in limbo. Some of these actions may help you to pull yourself together and get out of that rut. Signing up for life coaching programs with a personal development coach can help you get through these transitional periods.
These tips can also aid you:
Start Being More Present in the Moment
It’s all too easy to lose yourself in a mess of your own negative thoughts, fears, and insecurities when things aren’t going your way. Whenever this happens, you start going through life as though you were on auto-pilot. Instead of putting yourself out there, having fun, and experiencing new things, you freeze in place, waiting for the other shoe to drop. This causes you to miss out on everything that life has to offer.
Remember: even if you feel like you’re in limbo, your life doesn’t stop. You do yourself a disservice by hyper-focusing on what isn’t going well and mentally retreating from all of the good that is still out there.
That being said, practicing mindfulness exercises can help you pay more attention to the world and what’s happening around you in the current moment. They give you opportunities to slow down and notice things that you may not normally give much thought to. Mindfulness can also help you find joy in simple pleasures, decrease feelings of burnout, and lower your stress levels.
Mindfulness exercises are easier to do than you might think. It can be something as simple as sitting down and quietly focusing on your breathing or putting away your phone to focus on your meal. Turn these exercises into habits and you’ll better appreciate the beauty of your life as it happens.
Switch Up Your Routine
Most people associate being in limbo with a feeling of helplessness. Many don’t realize that you can be in limbo even when you’re in complete control of all the variables in your life. Anything that feels like a dead-end in your professional or personal life can be considered a state of limbo.
Oftentimes, it happens when you get too comfortable in your current position, and are held back from progressing forward by fear, or a lack of ambition. You start to put yourself in a box, one that gives you a sense of safety. But boxes also shield you from the outside world, prevent you from seeing what’s beyond.
Often, this sort of thing can happen without you even knowing it. Do you notice yourself doing the same things day in and day out without feeling a sense of fulfillment nor accomplishment? Have you been demotivated lately? Are you having trouble remembering what day of the week it is? These are all signs that you could be stuck in limbo.
A simple way to correct the situation without rocking the boat too much is to switch up your routine. You can try switching up the order in which you do your daily tasks or indulging in something that you’ve always wanted to try. Alternatively, you can also try talking to new people, ones that you normally don’t go out of your way to have conversations with. These are just a few ways you can add different experiences to your day.
Talk About It
Many of us have been taught from a very young age to keep our troubles to ourselves, causing us to grow up while quietly enduring discomfort or misfortune. That’s why when something is wrong, we rarely verbalize what we feel. We don’t permit ourselves to talk about what’s bothering us.
Unfortunately, listening to your own jumbled inner monologue often isn’t enough to reveal the nuances of a situation, even to yourself. Hence, talking about your thoughts with someone else is one of the best ways to process information.
That’s why our final tip is to find someone who’s willing to have a conversation about your situation. We recommend consulting with an empathetic and understanding personal development coach who should be able to guide you out of your rut while maintaining professionalism and objectivity. In addition to providing a listening ear, they should be able to ask you questions that can further enlighten you about your situation—questions that you may not have known to ask yourself.
Things may not be going your way right now, but remember: this state of limbo is only temporary. In the meantime, there are plenty of ways to enrich and improve yourself. To move forward, continue striving to become the best version of yourself.
Do you want to start moving forward in your life after an unstable relationship? Get in touch with Mary Jo Rathgeb today.