No matter how you look at it, 2020 was a difficult time. Many of us started the year on an optimistic note with a list of things we wanted to do, most of which were delayed or completely cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s no use in being too hard on yourself over something that was out of your control. However, 2021 is still ripe for opportunities despite everything. The new year can be worthwhile if you’re willing to open your mind and put in the work.
Re-Aligning with Yourself
In 2020, the world as we knew it came to an abrupt pause, giving us a lot of time to self-reflect and think about our goals. Indeed, most of us have started looking at our lives a bit differently and want to live more authentically in 2021. The profound effects brought about by the twists and turns of 2020 have also made many people more open and accepting of what’s to come.
To ensure that you’re putting your energy into the right endeavors, consider meeting with a personal development coach. After all, re-assessing your goals is only one part of your journey. Finding out if these will make you truly happy is another thing. A coach can guide you in the right direction to bring you closer to your real purpose. This is an opportunity to explore and try new things, so try not to fixate too much on a single outcome. You’re currently in the process of figuring out what will make you feel the most content in this life, so use this time wisely.
Setting Objectives and Learning How to Go After Them
Once you and your coach have arrived at something concrete that you can work your way towards, remember to take baby steps. Your goal might seem like a gargantuan task if you look at it as a whole, which can be overwhelming. So it’s better to break your goal down into small and smart objectives that are more realistically attainable.
After setting these objectives, take a step back and think about how you can lean on your strengths to better achieve them. At the same time, you’ll want to learn what weaknesses you need to work on so that they won’t get in the way of your goals.
To gain a better understanding of yourself, your coach might recommend that you get a human design reading and activation session. This is essentially an assessment that looks into your psyche, how it affects your mental and physical health, and what you can do to overcome any problems.
Understanding your human design is extremely helpful for self-discovery because you learn what decision-making strategies will work for you. At the same time, you’ll know how you relate to yourself and others. So if you’ve been feeling stuck on something, a human design reading may just be what you need to achieve your goals in the most optimal way.
Removing Obstacles from Your Life
In your human design reading, you might discover certain obstacles blocking your path to success. You might already know what to do, but maybe you haven’t figured out how to overcome these hurdles just yet. This feeling of being trapped may be because you’re not totally in sync with yourself. To do so, understanding your energy leadership index might prove to be beneficial.
With this kind of assessment, you can get a clearer idea of how to transform the way you view the world into actions that bring you closer to your goals. In this case, energy is what affects your perspective. There are seven different levels of energy, ranging from the catabolic (mainly dealing with worry and frustration) to anabolic (largely inspiring and constructive).
All these energy levels serve a purpose and aren’t necessarily good or bad. They are simply the lens that you use to perceive the world around you. Once you understand this, it’s easier to determine where and how you are investing your energy. At the same time, you’ll more intuitively know whether you’ll need to adjust it to better serve your needs and objectives.
Beginning a new year with a clear goal in mind and concrete steps to achieve it is always a good thing. However, there is also nothing wrong with pivoting from your original goals. Indeed, developing a better outlook for the start of the new year is a great way to build your resilience. You should still be open to the unexpected and be ready to adapt to whatever 2021 may bring you. By understanding your human design and learning how to best use your energy to meet your goals, you’ll be better equipped to consistently harness the positive energy that will lead to a fresh new you.
Do you need help on focusing your energy this 2021? Then get in touch with Mary Jo today.